Go here for latest:
The family visiting the Vatican on a day trip from our refugee camp, 1989.
Chapter One: Why?
Chapter Two: Ancestors
Lenin: Respect Ukrainian peasants, treat the Jews with an iron rod
“To the kikes, flow the riches. And the peasants, they’re treated like bitches.”
Working the GULAGs: A brief, depressing outline of my grandfather’s life
Notes and various bits and pieces, reverse chronological order:
A short ethnic history of Ukraine...courtesy of the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Farting on Lenin…and some notes on nationalism in the Soviet Union
Weaponized Immigrants and the History of America's Imperial Propaganda Machine
Part One: portrait of a Soviet CIA propagandist as a Nazi collaborator young
Part Three: The schizoid world of a Soviet anti-communist propagandist.”
Rare 1960s propaganda film about the CIA's “Radio Liberation”
Georgetown's Russian language program was run by a weaponized Russian fascist immigrant group
So I’m finally rebooting this book after months of inactivity. Turns out I needed time, sleep, and some personal space to do this kind of work — and those are precisely the things I haven’t had have since my daughter showed up and we got booted out of our place in Los Angeles and went on the road. Now that we’re a bit settled in San Francisco and getting some help from grandma, I think I can start to write again and get deep into the this thing. So keep a look out for an update in the next week or so.
Since this book is only gonna grow and grow and get more chaotic, I figure it needs a permanent table of contents. So this is what this page is gonna to be — that, and a place where I can keep some of more disorganized notes and thoughts and earlier writings on the topic of weaponized immigrants. So bookmark it for future reading.
Have a great New Year’s Eve. See you in 2022.
—Yasha Levine
December 31, 2021