I said I’d post more garden pics and never lived up to my promise. Been too focused on writing my novel and studying to become an anti-rabbi and really haven’t been in the mood. But since everything is dying I figured I’d give you one last one of the season. Here’s me with the last carrots (and a few stunted beets).
Just off screen is a small bucket with ripe tomatoes and tiny number of young potatoes that I planted at the very end of the summer in the microplastic compost I wrote about earlier. There’s a bunch of kale I have to harvest, too. Maybe tomorrow.
I’ve been very happy with my first go at gardening. I produced hundreds of dollars in produce with a negligible input of time and money. This stuff really does grow out of the ground, basically for free. I wish I had a lot more land so I could grow this stuff at bigger scale. The cherry tomatoes just kept growing and growing. There was no stopping them….like gremlins. I feel like they’ve been hiding this magic from us city people, stunted as we are about the natural world beyond culture and cafes. The bastards. Next year I’m gonna have to do more to fight off the squirrels. They stole all my pears, ate my corn, and threw the half-chewed husks at me. No respect from them at all.
For squirrels and other rodents, set up an owl box. Having a friendly raptor settle there will liven up the neighbourhood and put the pests in their place. And once there's a couple, and then owlets, they'll gorge on squirrel meat like there's no tomorrow.
It's been said a few different ways, but growing your own food is one of the greatest revolutionary acts.
Also, I bet you can keep that kale going at least another month. Especially these days.