Always seems like I've got something local to chime in with these days. Similar issues with the Rio Grande (Rio Sand).


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I'm sure you know it already, but I just learned Saudi owns a big chunk of CA land too. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/mar/25/california-water-drought-scarce-saudi-arabia

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yeah, they're in arizona and california on land that's near the colorado river.

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Also Yasha this just came out yesterday. Apparently it's not just the Saudis. UAE is doing it as well and locals are beginning to get pissed. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/05/us/arizona-water-foreign-owned-farms-climate/index.html

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i mean...they might be pissed by the saudis aren't doing anything illegal and aren't doing anything american farmers aren't. i mean, a lot of crops grown with dwindling water supplies is slate for export, including the majority of almond and pistachio crops in california. so...

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LOL yeah, and another way to look at it is these people voted for their politicians year after year and therefore must not mind the lax water regulations, not to mention whatever large American corporations are doing abroad, etc. It's just amazing to me that they are choosing these historically draught ridden states to purchase farmland/water for farmland rather than, I dunno, Iowa or something.

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