Thanks, Yasha, this immediately brought to mind another SF problem that is never talked about: smog exports. I suspect that air quality in the Bay Area even if not great is far better than air quality in the central valley. If so, it's at least partly because of prevailing winds. They transport Bay Area pollution to the valley, where it remains trapped because the Sierras stop it from moving further east.

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yeah the central valley is really a dumping ground for all sorts of things. value extracted, waste dumped there.

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Sf meet up when?

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Wow - thank you Sasha !!

Sewage sludge was a mystery to me until your article. If LA alone generates 500 tons/day -- do you have any knowledge just how thick are these "farm fertilizers"? At some places there must be tens of meters or mountains?

Many thanks once again -- your span of coverage is astounding...

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Nov 23, 2021
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Nov 23, 2021
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Many thanks for the link -- astonishing !!

Is there any medical update on implications on spreading and origin?

How possibly China reports still less than 5,000 Covid deaths? I mean any professional explanation - other than the usual dismissal and hatred of "godless lying China"?

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