Last week’s cynical revisionist Holocaust tweeting by Chrystia Freeland — one of the most powerful politicians in Canada — reminded me of something I wanted about to write a while back. A few months ago, I was having dinner with a journalist colleague at my favorite Ukrainian collaborationist emigre restaurant in the East Village. We were discussing the insane xenophobia that permeates America’s media coverage about Russia and talked turned to a xenophobic
Which Ukrainian restaurant was it?? My money is on Streecha... or maybe Ukrainian East Village.
Starts with a “V”
ah... gotcha.
just read up on the owner + CYM. classic.
I like this, Yasha and Evgenia. cheers, Tony Kevin
"I just wish grandpa Mykhailo was still here to see the good working Graham and I have been doing" (sniff)
"I know he'd be so proud!"