Listen now | Evgenia and I talk about a short trip we took to Palestine last year and get into all sorts of related topics — including nationalism and Israel’s weaponization of Soviet and Russian Jewish immigrants.
Yasha. I had written a (probably too drawn out) message to you on Twitter and then lost it. I am a multimedia artist / programmer, and I consider S.V. to be one of the more important books of the 00s. I appreciate you very much, and I ( indescribably terrible year, even without covid...) am now comfortable enough, and would like to donate to you without donating to whatever corporate 'cut' any of these sites are taking.
I know this is odd, and seems like some kind of setup hahah, but if there's some simple way to donate to you in the least 'corporate transaction fee' style possible, I'd love to. I just...have been in financial, and precarious housing ruin for 7+ months, and am now at least afloat, and I just appreciate how much day to day comfort can result from a hundred bucks or so.
Hey guys... Gulkina song makes my skin crawl, otherwise I love your podcast and substack. It’s like hanging out with close friends. Keeping fingers crossed for you to win in court...what an ordeal.
The photographes of the wall are haunting. I’ve been to Bethlehem 25 years ago, but I can’t remember a thing about the place. My only impression of Israel was that I never want to go there again. I am à quatre Jewish with no cultural affiliation. Moscovite in Toronto :)) Best wishes, stay safe. Katya
The theme song is now inextricably stuck in my head, so I guess YOU WIN THIS ROUND, LEVINE
all evgenia's fault
I hadn't even thought about how Israel would be a big vacation destination for Russians
I read Max Blumenthal's 2013 book "Goliath" a while back. It's great to see some more recent pictures. As MrMarignac says, "Very striking".
thanks for the pictures, that’s a unique insight, and if anyone has a decent knafeh recipe please for the love of god post it
"so is norman finkelstein a modern day jesus!" i love it! norm is a friend of mine, i will mention this to him.
Yasha. I had written a (probably too drawn out) message to you on Twitter and then lost it. I am a multimedia artist / programmer, and I consider S.V. to be one of the more important books of the 00s. I appreciate you very much, and I ( indescribably terrible year, even without covid...) am now comfortable enough, and would like to donate to you without donating to whatever corporate 'cut' any of these sites are taking.
I know this is odd, and seems like some kind of setup hahah, but if there's some simple way to donate to you in the least 'corporate transaction fee' style possible, I'd love to. I just...have been in financial, and precarious housing ruin for 7+ months, and am now at least afloat, and I just appreciate how much day to day comfort can result from a hundred bucks or so.
I just know you're a good person who I am glad to have interacted with, learned from, and been inspired by. Keep it up.
Thank you for the kind words, Pat. And thank you for the offer. The fact that you subscribe is support enough!
Hey guys... Gulkina song makes my skin crawl, otherwise I love your podcast and substack. It’s like hanging out with close friends. Keeping fingers crossed for you to win in court...what an ordeal.
The photographes of the wall are haunting. I’ve been to Bethlehem 25 years ago, but I can’t remember a thing about the place. My only impression of Israel was that I never want to go there again. I am à quatre Jewish with no cultural affiliation. Moscovite in Toronto :)) Best wishes, stay safe. Katya
Very striking. The pics are blinding.