Thanks for sharing this bit of your family's history. I have been looking into my own family's history and have found about five great great grandfathers who were executed by the NKVD. It has been a complex emotional journey to explore those documents. One of my ancestors was a main organizer in a tolstovsky commune when the USSR wanted him to be laboring in a kolhoz, and I guess they harbored white army people and criminals so when they found them they shot all the main people.

I recommend this website, you may be able to find an official record of Nathan Gorin's execution if he was indeed executed


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Thanks for the reality check, Yasha. Stories like this really get to me and need to be told now more than ever. The western imperium would love nothing more than to bury the Soviet Union's suffering under their fabric of lies.

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Thank you for sharing this Yasha. My own grandfather was a jewish man form Poland, but lived in Ukraine and was a WWII war veteran. I grew up with him until I was eight and he suffered terrible hearing loss, heart break due to losing loved ones, and what would probably be considered a mix of depression and PTSD today. I was always a little scared of him, but he was my protector. Our family was never able to uncover what happened to family members in Poland and they tried for the rest of their lives even after migrating to America. I grew up with these stories that I believe have made me sensitive to truly anyone’s plight. Thank you for reminding us the importance of sharing these stories.

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Great “little “ stories, yasha! Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for writing about them!

There are two Holocaust Remembrance days: one is the international one, January 27, based on the day of the Auschwitz liberation in 1945, the second one: April 8, is originated in Israel

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Interesting family history!

Regarding this:

"....whacked by your own comrades, the people you were out there building humanity’s communist future with."

I know that this was during the war that led to the formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, but was it ever the stated goal of the USSR to force other countries around the world to embrace Soviet style communism? Clearly they were willing to assist as in Cuba, Vietnam and elsewhere in a more hands-off approach. The USA certainly did have a violent reaction to any non Soviet-bloc countries electing leftist and especially communist leaders or even the formation of a communist movement in a former French, British or other colonial power's holdings. It seems to me that it was the USA violently encroaching and invading where communist movements threatened the wealth of the 0.1% equivalent in those places or Western capitalists' access to resources or state held companies whereas the Soviets were providing basic assistance both before and during American "interventions" - but I'm not a historian. This just got me thinking...maybe I'm just a tankie, LMAO.

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