Entry #2: The Offer
The tale of Two Pigeons continues. Start with Entry #1.
I was too tired last night to finish writing about the details of their offer. So let me set it down here: It was a very generous one. $25,000 a month with a minimum guaranteed contract for six months, including all expenses paid. They structured the bonus in two tiers: I’d get a million if I managed to definitely track Misha down and see him in person or I’d get half a million if I only found out “definitively where he went and/or why,” to quote the contract. So even if he turns up next month I’ll still a big payout. Naturally I had to sign an NDA that precludes me from discussing the job or anything I find in the course of it with anyone other than Leah. The terms are generous. Too generous. But the job vastly improves my situation. In fact, it’s almost too good to be true. It like winning the lottery. I’ll be finally able to transfer some money to my daughter. Maybe she’ll agree to go on a vacation together somewhere.
I was very happy. But I played it cool when Dima made the offer. I said I’d have to think about it. Dima nodded but clearly saw through my bluff and, as I realized later, knew more about me than he let on. Because without skipping a beat he told me that he knew I had been having financial problems and that I really should say yes. “Misha and you were so close for so long. We think he’s in trouble now. We don’t know what to do. He needs your help. We need your help,” he said, looking me straight in the eye for the first time. Right away I felt like an asshole. I was treating this like any other job offer, jumping for joy inside just thinking about the cash while these people…people who I used to know and call family…were clearly distressed and needed my help. I mumbled something about the money being appreciated but not important and that I would want to help no matter what. “As much as I want to I can’t just drop everything. I have to square things with my work,” I said. I lied.
“Of course. We understand,” Dima said nodding. “Take care of your business but we’ll send you the contract and transfer the money today. I’ll tell Leah.”
Read Entry #3: The Wife next…
See all installments of Two Pigeons here.